Environmental Strategic Advisor

Louise Nadeau


With nearly 30 years of experience, her expertise allows her to accompany her clients with dynamism and in a manner personalized to their needs.


A geographer by training and holder of a master’s degree with a specialization in geomorphology from the Université de Sherbrooke, Ms. Nadeau has worked for a large part of her career in consulting engineering. In 2020, she joined Services d’expertise Sodavex, a subsidiary of the law firm Sodavex, as a strategic consultant. 
As a geomorphologist, she has developed an expertise in wetlands and waterways. As a result of the skills she has developed over the course of her career, she has developed a solid expertise in assisting businesses and development project promoters in all spheres of their activities related to the environment: applications for ministerial authorization, notices of non-compliance, monitoring and follow-up programs, reconciliation of uses, complaint management, and citizen committees. 

Sectors of activity: 

  • Quarries and sandpits 
  • Conditioning and valorization of bricks, concrete and asphalt 
  • Concrete plant 
  • Bituminous concrete plant 
  • Wetlands and waterways  


  • Applications for ministerial authorization 
  • Declaration of conformity 
  • Development of monitoring and follow-up programs 
  • Follow-up on notices of non-compliance 
  • Corrective action plans 
  • Vested rights 
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