Administrative litigation
Decisions rendered by public authorities in environemental matters are not without appeal. We represent and assist our clients with the contest of administrative decisions that affect their operations.
In practice
- Challenge of pecuniary administrative sanctions before the Bureau de réexamen des sanctions administratives or before the Tribunal Administratif du Québec (TAQ)
- Appeal before the TAQ of ministerial decisions, such as refusals to issue authorizations or ordinances
- Representation of project promoters or interested parties during the process of auditions before the Bureau d’audiences publiques sur l’environnement (BAPE)
- Obtaining the required authorizations pursuant to the Act Respecting the Preservation of Agricultural Land and Agricultural Activities and representation of interested parties, public or private, during hearings before the Commission de protection du territoire agricole (CPTAQ)
- Representation before the TAQ in expropriation cases brought on for environmental motives or lands owned by companies in the environmental field
- Support with the adoption of waste management plans or the modification of urban land use plans, including the representation of our clients’ interests before municipal and para municipal authorities
- Recourses before the Commission d’accès à l’information