Municipal & Regulatory
Over the last decades, many new laws and regulations were adopted by every level of government in order to allow for a better and more harmonious land use planning. Although sustainable development and the protection of individuals, of plants and of wildlife are at the heart of these changes, it can be teadious to understand their ins and outs.
In which context ?
- For all questions relating to:
- Urban planning
- Zoning regulations
- Municipal regulations
At which stage?
- When one must conform to municipal regulations (neighbourhood disturbances, noise, odour, dust, waste water, etc.)
- When authorizations and permits are required
- When one needs to request a subdivision or alotment, an exception or a change to the current zoning, a change of use
- When undertaking projects involving shores, green zones and plains or wetlands and bodies of water
- When planning waste management policies
- When municipal taxes are being fixed for contaminated soils
- When drafting municipal regulations
Environmental and Municipal law are often intrinsically related. Our team, although already strongly involved in municipal matters, recently expanded with the arrival of Helen Finn, a lawyer with an outstanding background working with cities who has dedicated over 10 years to this complex and sophisticated field.
In practice
- Judicial review of a zoning regulation in order to allow for a transshipment facility
- Negotiation and drafting of a special bill to allow the creation of an airport