
Christine Duchaine and several of our lawyers at the Ordre des évaluateurs agréés du Québec (OEAQ) convention!



Christine Duchaine and several of our lawyers at the Ordre des évaluateurs agréés du Québec (OEAQ) convention!

Sodavex is proud to sponsor the convention of the Ordre des évaluateurs agréés du Québec (OEAQ) will be held from November 11th to 13th at the Centre des congrès de Lévis. Me Christine Duchaine and Mr. Mathieu Germain (Sanexen) will present a conference on the impact of the environmental characteristics of a property on the development possibilities and the FMV.

Here is the schedule for the conference:

We also invite you to meet our lawyers Jonathan Coulombe, Helen Finn and Marc-Antoine Séguin who will be present at the Sodavex booth!