
Route 138 and Salmon: Sodavex Defends the Species

Me Christine Duchaine, lawyer and founder of Sodavex, spoke to La Presse and Radio-Canada to explain why the Ministry of the Environment must intervene to revise the planned route for the extension of Route 138 in Basse-Côte-Nord.

According to her, this project could have serious consequences for salmon, a species whose decline in Quebec’s rivers is highly concerning.

“This isn’t the typical case of people opposing a project, but rather people looking for a solution so the project can proceed, but in a better way,” she explained to La Presse.

Me Duchaine told Radio-Canada that building a bridge at this location, especially during the salmon reproduction period, risks further narrowing this essential passage for the species.

The lawyer is requesting that the authority granted by the Environmental Quality Act be used to select an alternative route to avoid irreversible negative impacts, emphasizing the urgency of the situation as preliminary work has already begun.

To read La Presse’s article
To watch Radio-Canada’s news report
To read Radio-Canada’s article